Having friends who actually care about your well-being is a wonderful thing, indeed. To them I will forever be grateful.

The Austin skyline looked ready for one final foray into musical mayhem.

Note the bottles of free ice tea on the table to the left. Did you know that one can actually live on this stuff for the good part of two days?

Everyone needs to charge up their devices before heading out.

Jas and Marta share bedspace in that platonic way only road warriors know.

Masters of the roadwagon.

Sunday brunch in Austin

Guero's - recommended

Eat to the Beat

Dead Leaf Echo's LG was there too. You gotta be cool to be kind.

Rolling with the EE Presents posse again (this time, actually rolling via "magic bus").

Crom is on board.

Jas works on his tracks to organize his mind.

The rising stars of melodic/memorable psych-pop.
Jason and Elliott.

Hooray! Another Ringo Deathstarr show!

Elliott delivers quality soundwaves.

Daniel is a helluva drummer and may possibly be the perfect bandmate.

Alex and Dan

Speaking of almost perfect - Alex Gehring.

"If you want to sample me - I will show you how."

Pitch bends that produce chills.

Alex had a new bass for this show! It actually has 4 strings on it!

Oh, yeah - the "gender spazzmaster"

"Imagine Hearts" - I am, I am!

"Ooooooh - next to you"

Austin's finest - without a doubt.

Show time list illustrates the how everything can change quickly. Ringo Deathstarr went from playing at 2:00 pm - to 7:00 - then to 4:00. It didn't matter when - I was going to be there - whenever. Phones that send and receive texts are essential tools in working all this out. After an wonderful afternoon there at Cheer Up Charlie's, we then headed over to Emo's for one final bash. Inside the venue was someone who's work I truly admire.

Conversation -- "Hey Cromwell - that's some pretty sweet music coverage you do." Me: "Thanks, David Fricke. You're not half-bad yourself."

We were both there for the much touted Jim Jones Revue.

And it's easy to see why. They put on a dynamic rock & roll show.

Combining the good timey boogie-woogie elements of Rod Stewart & The Faces and The New York Dolls - the JJR is an exciting band worth going to see. After that, we ran around, danced to DJ music (great motown, 50's & 60's era rock n' soul) chattering and laughing in a wired state. Christo wisely suggested we go over to the other stage and watch a band called Caspian. I had been hearing about them for a while now, so definitely wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

I was immediately impressed.

The word on them was "they are like Mogwai - only better."

Guess what?

I had to agree with the above statement.

Heavy - atmospheric - instrumental music that build and pummels you.

It is power and emotion transferred to the listener.

My deeper investigation into all of their recorded works have begun. As all good things must eventually come to an end, I said my goodbye's to those who rescued and sustained me throughout the week. It was a brilliant experience

Austin Airport. They don't call it "Music City" for nothing.