Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SXSW Photo Blog 2 - March 17, 2011

After being up till the wee hours of the morning from the night before, its time to head out just after noon for the day parties on Thursday, March 17, 2011.

The creepy cool house we passed every day, heading up to 6th Street.

First stop - the Prefix Magazine Day Party

Oh Land is the first artist we catch

Its a brilliant, high engery show

She's quite lovely

Immediately followed by one of the many Brooklyn bands at the festival
Asobi Seksu

Guitarist James Hanna is ready to go

Yuki and the rest of the band are in prime form

Their set list, written out on a coffee filter

While stopping in to Waterloo Records, Nicole Atkins poster is spotted

And then the actual Nicole Atkins performs at a 6th Street venue

You could hear and see the entire show, right from the street

Then its over to the Hotel Vegas outdoor show

To see The Vandelles

Pre show merch activity

Must have items

The band is on and its surfs up everywhere

Ready to go

Lulu rocks the black

The boys and their guitars

Jas, Honey and Lulu

Honey keeps the beat steady

Another killer set

The Hotel Vegas

Then its off and down to the East Bound Getdown

Croms stops to chat with Daniel, drummer
for Ringo Deathstarr

and then with Elliott and Amanda

We catch a great set from Turbo Fruits

You gotta love that cat amp

Alex from Ringo Deathstarr
ready for their show

Sponsored by Thunderbird Coffee

Daniel has the Thunder going on

Elliott brings that sound

While Daniel throttles

White light, white heat

Off to the food park

Its Pig Vicious

and some Bits & Druthers

Then off to to The Longbranch Inn to see
A Place To Bury Strangers

Hanging pre-show with drummer Jay Space



  1. Great pics Dave! The creepy house gave me chills....

  2. What a great selection of photos. really captures the essence of what it's like to be there...

    Wonder who'll pay for my flight over there next year eh ????

  3. Hey Paty - what is it about "creepy houses" that are so fascinating?

    VP - you should come! Imagine the insantity we'd get up to there together ;-)

  4. Another beautiful set. What can I say? I'd like to see more of that ;)

  5. Rest assured, eagle - there is definitely more on the way!

  6. Awesome collection of real vacation photographs. NASA could learn something from The Davester. Also, pretty cool that The Vandelles named a song after you, "Dash N Dave" :)

  7. Its the least they could do for me, VFSD (after all the shows of theirs I've attended) ;-)

  8. Loved the photo's :)

  9. another easy reading post. :)))
    good shoot - nicole from behind... :))) rare thing these days. :)))
    and i don't know weather it is good or bad, but - i think i got a slight crush on "the vandalles" drummer.... :)))
    and i was checking "ringo deathstarr" and i got to say i like their sound. :)
    good stuff, dave.

  10. Thanks Anouk!

    And lol at "slight crush on the Vandelles drummer" Mr. Smork. That would include nearly everyone (yours truly) who's ever seen the band. Welcome to the "There's Something About Honey" club ;-)
